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Havelock Academy

Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an open, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

KPI1: Topic Content

KPI1 October and November 2024

Topic content for each year group and each subject is published below, alongside some useful external weblinks and resources. We also have a dedicated Year 11 and 13 revision and support webpage available here.

Year 7


Topics covered

Website resources


Storytelling and The Odyssey;

Ancient Greeks; The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Odyssey by Geraldine McCaughrean - KS3 English - BBC Bitesize


Place value – integers

Place value - decimals

Addition & subtraction

Directed numbers


Addition & subtraction


·         Place-value

·         Ordering-numbers

·         Rounding

·         Ordering

·         Round-to-nearest-number

·         Rounding-decimal-places

·         Rounding-significant-figures

·         Addition

·         Adding-Decimals

·         Subtraction

·         Subtracting-Decimals

·         Ordering-numbers

·         Negatives-addition-and-subtraction

·         Real-life-negatives

·         Averages-and-range

·         Perimeter



7.1 Energy

7.2 Forces

7.3 Discovery of the Atom

Seneca Class Code: rfgbatgusf

Student Invite:

Year 7 KPI Revision Assignment:


History Basics

Questions historians ask

Chronology of Roman Empire

Events of the Roman Empire

Sources: observations and inferences

Pax Romana

Fall of Rome

The Romans - KS3 History - BBC Bitesize

The Roman army - BBC Bitesize

Ancient Rome for Kids: The Fall of Rome (

5 Reasons Rome Fell | Twinkl Wiki - Twinkl

History basics (time periods, dates etc.) Historical chronology explained - History Skills


Foundations of geography part 1 and 2

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


Core sounds and language for greetings and managing routine exchanges for learning in the French classroom; simple descriptions and questions using "to be" and "to have"


Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


Mark Making

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)



BBC Bitesize

Food & Nutrition

Hazards, Risk & Equipment

Basic Food Hygiene

Food safety advice when handling foods - Food safety 2 – CCEA - GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA) Revision - BBC Bitesize

Food safety advice when storing foods - Food safety 2 – CCEA - GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA) Revision - BBC Bitesize

Food safety advice when preparing and cooking food - Food safety 2 – CCEA - GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA) Revision - BBC Bitesize


Musical terms

·         Rhythm

·         Pitch

·         Listening skills

All with a focus on melody

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Performing Arts

Performance Skills

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Physical Education

Netball for the girls

Football for the boys




Netball Netball standing shot - Netball - essential skills and techniques - GCSE Physical Education Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize

The association football short side foot pass - Association football - essential skills and techniques - GCSE Physical Education Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize


Religious Studies

Philosophy of religion, including qualities of God and creation.

Interpreting Genesis 1:1

Creation and Christianity

Similarities/difference between Christians and their beliefs

Interpreting scholarship

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Curriculum for Life


Be able to describe what is meant by the term mental health

Social media and mental health

Recognising and preventing bullying

A balanced diet

Keywords in reflection booklet


Year 8


Topics covered

Website resources


Storytelling and The Odyssey

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Oliver Twist


The Odyssey by Geraldine McCaughrean - KS3 English - BBC Bitesize

Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night’s Dream - plot summary - BBC Bitesize

Themes in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream - A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Shakespeare - KS3 English - Bitesize - BBC Bitesize

English KS2: Oliver Twist - Episode 1 - BBC Teach

Who was Charles Dickens? - BBC Bitesize

Analysing persuasive texts - BBC Bitesize


Negative numbers

Primes & powers

Numerical reasoning













8.1 Acids and Bases

8.2 Chemical Reactions

8.3 Energy

Seneca Class code: zkkbar73fr

Student invite:

Year 8 KPI1 Physics Revision Assignment:



Final revision:



Questions historians ask

Chronology: Which event came first

Historical knowledge (concepts/places/ideas)

Sources: Observation and inference (Henry VIII and Elizabeth I)

Tudor England

Interpretations: Henry VIII

The Tudors - KS3 History - BBC Bitesize



Sustainability and development

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


Core sounds and language for descriptions revisited, describing people and facts, using large numbers, the nominal group, and verbs "to be" and "to have" in the present tense - Cameo of Victor Hugo and Les Misérables.

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


8.1 Text and Message

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)



BBC Bitesize

Food & Nutrition

Energy & Energy Expenditure

Intro to Macronutrients

Food energy - Nutrition, digestion and excretion - KS3 Biology - BBC Bitesize

Protein - Macronutrients – CCEA - GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA) Revision - BBC Bitesize

Carbohydrate - Macronutrients – CCEA - GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA) Revision - BBC Bitesize

Fat - Macronutrients – CCEA - GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA) Revision - BBC Bitesize



Musical terms

·         Rhythm

·         Pitch

·         Listening skills

All with a focus on harmony

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Performing Arts

Drama and Dance Skills and Techniques

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)
A Complete Guide to Pantomime - Blackpool Grand Theatre

Physical Education

·         Netball for the girls

·         Football for the boys


Netball Netball standing shot - Netball - essential skills and techniques - GCSE Physical Education Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize

The association football short side foot pass - Association football - essential skills and techniques - GCSE Physical Education Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize


Religious Studies

Judaism and the caracter of God – Khessed.

Core concepts: Key figures/concepts/covenants

Extended responses on Genealogy and Covenants

Philosophy and recapping Y7

Extended responses on schoarlship centred on key figures in Judaism

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Curriculum for Life


Self esteem and confidence


Mindfulness examples

Challenging appearance ideals

Keywords in reflection booklet


Year 9


Topics covered

Website resources


Storytelling and The Odyssey

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Oliver Twist


Animal Farm

Romantics and Revolutionary Poets

The Gothic

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


Primes, HCF, LCM


Standard Form









Laws-of-Indices (numbers)

Laws-of-indices (algebra)






P1 Energy

C1 Atomic Model

Seneca Class code: dss0rqf84i

Student Invite:

Chemistry revision Assignment

Physics Revision Assignment

Year 7 and 8 revision


Basics – across KS3

Chronology – across KS3

Historical Knowledge – naming historical events/ideas

Source: Enlightenment (observations and inferences [industrial revolution and political revolutions])

Age of Revolutions: Changes to society.

The Industrial Revolution - KS3 History - BBC Bitesize


Rivers and globalisation

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


Core sounds review and language to speak about what I and others are like, do, enjoy and plan on doing, using opinion adjectives, and a range of core and modal verbs in the present tense. Dieppe festival, Senegal - Cameo of Malheurs de Sophie and Poil de Carotte.

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


9.1 Surrealism and Juxtaposition

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


High Level Programming

BBC Bitesize

Food & Nutrition

Macronutrients and their functions

Protein - Macronutrients – CCEA - GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA) Revision - BBC Bitesize

Carbohydrate - Macronutrients – CCEA - GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA) Revision - BBC Bitesize

Fat - Macronutrients – CCEA - GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA) Revision - BBC Bitesize

Fibre - Nutrition Information - British Nutriton Foundation


Musical terms

·         Rhythm

·         Pitch

·         Listening skills

All with a focus on texture

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Performing Arts

Devising Performance

Theatre Styles

Stimulus, initial response and ideas - Creating a portfolio or devising log - AQA - GCSE Drama Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize
Knowledge Organiser

Physical Education

·         Netball for the girls

·         Football for the boys



Netball Netball standing shot - Netball - essential skills and techniques - GCSE Physical Education Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize

The association football short side foot pass - Association football - essential skills and techniques - GCSE Physical Education Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize


Religious Studies

Philosophy recaps from Y7/8

The Trinity and John 1:1




Islamic scholarship

Extended responses: significance of Abraham and Al Ghazali

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Curriculum for Life

Achieving Balance

Coping strategies

Unhelpful thoughts and self care

Growth ad fixed mindset

Media messages


Keywords in reflection booklet


Year 10


Topics covered

Website resources


Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology (London, Ozymandias, The Prelude, My Last Duchess, Charge of the Light Brigade)

Creative writing

mr bruff anthology poetry - YouTube

Audience, purpose and form - Audience, purpose and form - AQA - GCSE English Language Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize


Fractions & percentages






P1 Energy

C1 Atomic Structure

B1 Cell Biology

P3 Particle Model

B2 Organisation

C2 Structure and Bonding

Seneca Class code: 41c4hfp9lt

Chemistry revision

Biology revision

Physics Revision


League of Nations


Treaty of Versailles

Treaty of Versailles and its impact on Germany - Paris Peace Treaties and the League of Nations, to 1933 - National 5 History Revision - BBC Bitesize

The causes of World War Two - World War Two and the Holocaust - KS3 History - homework help for year 7, 8 and 9. - BBC Bitesize

The Treaty of Versailles and the end of World War One - BBC Bitesize


The Living World

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


Module 1 Who am I? - talking about friends and family; making arrangements to go out; talking about life when you were younger; discussing role models


BBC Bitesize Aqa


Foundation Project –

Natural Forms & Formal Elements

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Enterprise & Marketing

Market Research

BBC Bitesize


Revision on Pre-Production Documentation

Blue Square Thing

Sport Studies

R186 – Types of the media (Topic area 1) and R185 (Practical performance)

Coursework for R186

Practical – attend afterschool clubs for the 2 chosen sports you are being assessed in

Health & Social Care

Life stages, factors and life events

Using CGP work booklets provided from lesson

Performing Arts

The Curious Incident of the Night-Time

GCSE English Literature / Drama: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time: From Page to Stage - BBC Teach

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


Initial composition work

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Curriculum for Life

Dealing with change

Being kinds to ourselves

Recognising our strengths

Body image


Keywords in reflection booklet



Year 11

We also have a dedicated support webpage for Year 11 including revision, mock and intervention timetables by clicking here.


Topics covered

Website resources


Power and Conflict Poetry

Blood Brothers

Language Paper 2: Viewpoints and Perspectives (Non Fiction)

mr bruff anthology poetry - YouTube

Blood-Brothers-Knowledge-Organiser.pdf (

Introduction to writing non-fiction - Writing non-fiction - AQA - GCSE English Language Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize

Non-fiction texts - Non-fiction text types - AQA - GCSE English Language Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize


Full GCSE Specification


Biology Paper 1

B1 Cell Biology

B2 Organisation

B3 Infection and Response

B4 Bioenergetics


Chemistry Paper 1

C1 Atomic Structure

C2 Structure and Bonding

C3 Quantitative Chemistry

C4 Chemical Changes

C5 Energy Changes


Physics Paper 1

P1 Energy

P2 Electricity

P3 Particle Model

P4 Atomic Structure



CS Bio Paper 1 - Revision - this has information about the paper content, revision material and links to pages on each Required practical and Knowledge organisers specific to CS B1 Paper 1. 

CS Biology Paper 1 Knowledge Organisers

GCSE Biology Required Practical 1: Microscope

RP2: Osmosis

RP3 Food Tests

RP4 Enzymes

RP5 Photosynthesis

Combined Science: Chemistry Paper 1 this has information about the paper content, revision material and link to pages on each Required practical's and Knowledge organisers specific to CS C1 Paper 1. 

CS Chemistry Paper 1 Knowledge Organisers with Questions

RP8 Salts

RP9 Electrolysis

RP10 Temperature Changes

Combined Science Physics Paper 1 (H and F Tier) this has information about the paper content, revision material and link to pages on each Required practical's and Knowledge organisers specific to CS P1 Paper 1.

CS Physics Paper 1 Knowledge Organisers and Questions

RP14 Specific Heat Capacity

RP15 Resistance of a wire

RP16 Circuits

RP17 Density


Conflict and Tension (All groups)

Germany (Mr Formby, Ms Thundercliffe and Ms Johnson’s groups)

Migration (Mr McMillan’s group)

Germany - GCSE History - BBC Bitesize

Elizabeth I - GCSE History - BBC Bitesize

GCSE History - AQA - BBC Bitesize (scroll for migration halfway down webpage)

The Treaty of Versailles and the end of World War One - BBC Bitesize

Treaty of Versailles and its impact on Germany - Paris Peace Treaties and the League of Nations, to 1933 - National 5 History Revision - BBC Bitesize

The causes of World War Two - World War Two and the Holocaust - KS3 History - homework help for year 7, 8 and 9. - BBC Bitesize


The challenge of natural hazards

The Living World

Physical Landscapes of the UK

The Changing economic World

Urban issues and challenges

Resource Management

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)


Current topic:  At school - talking about your school and subjects; comparing school in UK and France; discussing healthy living; discussing vices; talking about a school exchange.

Revision of all topics covered in year 10: Myself, family relationships, technology, holidays, town

BBC Bitesize


Knowledge Organisers



Unit 3 – Financial Services Sector

LIBF Brightspace


Revision on Pre-Production Documentation

Blue Square Thing

Sport Studies

Revision for R184 exam – topic area one and two

The different sources of media – coursework



Health & Social Care

Pearson Set Assessment

Health and Social Services and Values

Using CGP work booklets


Performing Arts

Developing Skills and Techniques in Performance

Knowledge Organisers
Drama - BBC Bitesize


Diary of progress

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Religious Studies

Christian Beliefs

Buddhist Beliefs

Theme A: Relationships and Families

Theme D: Peace and Conflict

Knowledge organiser (available to download from the Student Learning Centre)

Food Prep & Nutrition

Food Safety

Food Hygiene

Food Labelling


Vitamins & Minerals

Specialist Diets

Food Preparation

Cooking Methods

Seneca | GCSE Food Preparation Revision Tool (

Food Preparation and Nutrition Revision | Revision World



Sixth Form

We also have a dedicated support webpage for Year 13 including revision, mock and intervention timetables by clicking here.


Topics covered

Website resources

English Language and Literature

Paris (all texts studied so far – see class spreadsheet)

Streetcar (emotion-based questions).

The Great Gatsby (George Wilson, Klipspringer, Owl Eyes or Michaelis)

Poetry (all)

The AQA website has an array of downloadable past papers and mark schemes: AQA | English | A Level | A-level English Language and Literature 

Students also have access to their Teams group (using their academy login) through that has various support and revision resources. 


All Pure Maths specification.

Maths Genie • Learn A Level Maths for Free

OCR Pure Maths A-Level (Years 1-2) Video Tutorials - ExamSolutions

OCR A-level Maths Revision - PMT (


Biological Molecules


Organisms exchanging substances with their environment

Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms



Britain (2 hours 15 minutes mock exam)

The USA (1 hours 15 minutes mock exam)

 Britain Transformed resource available from your teacher. 


Learning Aims A to F from Unit 1
Revision packs of Unit 1 provided from lesson


Learning Aim A, B and C for Unit 2

 Past papers and mark schemes provided by your teacher.

Performing Arts

Christopher Bruce

A Doll’s House

Christopher Bruce CBE - Rambert School

A Doll's House: Study Guide | SparkNotes


Paper 1 – Social influence, memory, attachment and psychopathology

Paper 2 – Approaches, biological psychology and research methods

Paper 1 Paper 1 Exam Clinic | Live Revision for AQA A Level Psychology 2024 (

Paper 2 Paper 2 (2023) Revision Blast (Part I) for AQA A-Level Psychology ( and

Paper 2 (2023) Revision Blast (Part II) for AQA A-Level Psychology (


Crime scene to courtroom controlled assessment

Preparation using class notes, text books and personal research.

Health & Social Care

Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care

Revise Btec National Health and Social Care Revision Book (x2 as one has the practice exam questions in)

Business Studies

Unit 1
