The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Havelock Academy

Our goal is to provide excellent opportunities in an open, positive and purposeful climate for all to achieve excellence, become lifelong learners and responsible, successful, well rounded citizens.

Letter to Parents (19/03/2020)

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Last night the Government announced that schools will be closed at the end of the week, with the exception of identified students. We are waiting on further information in order to action this and will update you as soon as it is received. The Prime Minister also announced that there will be provision for those students who are eligible for free school meals, again once we have more information we will contact those parents. We are now at one of the most difficult and unprecedented periods in our lifetime.


The safeguarding and mental well-being of our students, as well as teaching and supporting our young people in their academic achievements, is paramount to all of us within our Trust.


We have made a commitment to ensure that all of our students are offered support both academically and pastorally.


We will be closing the Academy from Friday 20th March 2020 at 2.50pm until further notice. As you will note, this period includes the Easter holiday which will run from Monday 6th April until Tuesday 21st April.  For tomorrow we will continue to operate under the partial opening for Years 7, 11, 12 and 13. This will be a non uniform day for these year groups.

In the government announcement the school is to provide a service to parents who are ‘key workers’ and selected vulnerable pupils.  Key workers that wish to send their child to school need to identify themselves to us by midday (12 noon) on Friday 20th March using this form:  

For identified students, we will contact those parents directly on Friday afternoon with further details of opening arrangements for next week, including the parents of those classed as vulnerable – with an EHCP or a social worker.

We have also taken all the necessary precautions since the outbreak to prevent it from impacting our academy and to keep pupils safe.  The advice surrounding self and family isolation has not changed and we ask that anyone displaying symptoms remains at home.

Whilst we understand that this may cause disruption for you and your family, we have robust plans in place so that your child can continue their education during this time. As always, we are committed to ensuring that our pupils receive the best possible education and will be working hard to minimise the impact of the closure on your child’s education. 

Teachers have created online work for completion during the closure and will continue to set work in this way, and mark and feedback to students online. Whilst there is no substitute to being in a classroom with a teacher, we will do our best to ensure all our students can access our high quality curriculum from home and have regular remote contact with their teachers. 

All our online work will be set via Show My Homework in the first instance which can be monitored and supported by parents/carers and teachers.   This can be accessed at home by visiting Please contact us if you need any support with this using this email address:

We will, of course, keep you fully updated with any changes, so we would urge you to download the MCAS app if you have not done so already. Should you need to reset your password please visit  Please also ensure we have an up to date email address.

At this point, we plan to offer telephone support between the hours of 9.30am and 2.30pm, and offer email support as follows:

Academy Reception Telephone                 01472 602000

IT Support                                           

Wellbeing Support                             

General Enquiries                               

School Nurse Text Service                            07507 331620

In addition, the government announced that exams will also be cancelled.  We appreciate that this will be unsettling for our students that have been working hard to prepare for their exams this year.  As we learn more we will keep you updated.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you wholeheartedly for your understanding and ongoing support in helping us to manage this unprecedented situation.  

Yours sincerely,

Emma Marshall
